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4 inch high Number Plastic Reusable Stencil Set, 0-9

Price: $27.00

Plastic reusable stencil number set for 4 inch high numbers, 0-9. Our high quality stencils are constructed of poly-vinyl material and will lay flat, yet flex to conform to any surface, smooth or rough. Simply apply paint with brush, roller or spray equipment. Our flexible stencils will not develop a paint build up. When paint dries, it flakes right off. Designed for heavy use. With minimum care our stencils will last a lifetime. Unlike wood, aluminum or other stencils, our stencils will not break, bend, crease, warp or load up with paint. All stencils are cut to give crisp, accurate markings.

Size: 4 inch high numbers
Thickness: 1/8 inch

Plastic piece of each stencil is 8 inches high x 6 inches wide. There are 2 inches of space at top of each number and two inches of space at bottom of each number. For width, the number is cut in the center of the stencil, so the width of the plastic of each number varies depending on the number.